Loft Reference Guide

Installation - How do I enable instructions and feedback?

Instructions shown before the 3D/AR viewer is launched can help users understand how to have a seamless and enjoyable experience. Similarly, collecting qualitative feedback from the user after the experience ends can help you understand how well the 3D/AR functionality is received by your target market.

Click below to launch a 3D/AR experience with instructions and feedback:

How to enable pre-experience instructions
  1. Create a new custom experience or modify an existing one
  2. Add "instructionsEnabled": true to the experience context
  3. Add "instructionsFrequency": 86400 to the experience context
  4. Save the experience
  5. Ensure that your experience launcher uses the custom experience (See example at the bottom of this article)
How to enable post-experience feedback
  1. Create a new custom experience or modify an existing one
  2. Add "feedbackEnabled": true to the experience context
  3. Add "feedbackFrequency": 86400 to the experience context
  4. Save the experience
  5. Ensure that your experience launcher uses the custom experience (See example at the bottom of this article)
How to always show instructions or feedback?

Set feedbackFrequency or instructionsFrequency to 0

How to show instructions or feedback without setting up a custom experience?

Contact the Ocavu team, and we will globally enable instructions or feedback for your organization.

How to customize the copy of the instructions?

Create or modify a TextMap and edit the values for the keys containing INSTRUCTIONS

How to adjust the appearance of the instructions or feedback modals?

Add a custom Instructions or Feedback template to your custom experience, or create a default template for your organization.