The Ocavu Web SDK event system is a typical "event listener" interface.
Using the event system is simple:
ocavu.addEventListener(‘experienceReady’, function (event) {
gtag(‘event’, ‘view_item’, {
items: [{
‘id’: event.session.context.model.key,
The above example listens for the experienceReady event, then handles the event by proxying it to Google Analytics using the view_item category.
The following event names are available:
- webSDKReady
- experienceLaunched
- experienceLaunchFailed
- experienceReady
- experienceLoadFailed
- startExperience
- modelLoadFinished*
- modelLoadError*
- modelLoadProgress*
- ctaClicked
- viewARButtonClicked
- endExperience
*only available for WebGL experiences
The event handler is passed a single argument: event
The event object utilizes the following format:
"event_name": "experienceReady",
"session": {
"context": {
"model": {
"name": "Example Name",
"key": "example-key"
Note: the webSDKReady event is not associated with an experience session and will not contain the session attribute
Example Google Analytics Usage:
function proxyToGtag (event) {
if (!window.dataLayer) {
var data = {
'event': 'ocavu-event',
'ocavu-event-type': event.event_name,
if (event.event_name !== 'webSDKReady') {
data['ocavu-model-key'] = event.session.context.model.key;
ocavu.addEventListener('webSDKReady', proxyToGtag);
ocavu.addEventListener('experienceLaunched', proxyToGtag);
ocavu.addEventListener('experienceLaunchFailed', proxyToGtag);
ocavu.addEventListener('experienceReady', proxyToGtag);
ocavu.addEventListener('experienceLoadFailed', proxyToGtag);
ocavu.addEventListener('endExperience', proxyToGtag);